


UTBK 2022

The Company believes that education is a system and procedure to improve a person's quality of life in all aspects of life.

One of the Government's programs for equal distribution of education in Indonesia is to prepare Smart Indonesia Cards for underprivileged and outstanding students who wish to continue their education at State Universities. However, the competition to be able to enter PTN is not easy because of course the different facilities owned by each student to face the PTN entrance exam are different, therefore the Company through the holding company PT Rukun Raharja Tbk also supports the Government program by holding the 2022 UTBK SBMPTN Intensive Success Program.

We will carry out this program in 6 areas of the Company's business operations, namely: Jakarta, Kab. Bandung, Cilegon, Rembang, Gresik, and Jambi. We ask for your support so that this program can run smoothly and continuously.

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